Hello! My name is Quinn, and I’m a game designer from Vancouver, Canada. I’m interested in bringing ideas to life through iterative collaboration with talented, multi-disciplinary people. I utilize empathy to take a player-centric approach in my design process to create meaningful experiences.
After earning a BA in Interactive Arts and Technology from Simon Fraser University, I transitioned into level design for the VR puzzle game Gadgeteer. Following its successful global release, I continued working as an experience desiger for the award-winning VR studio, Metanaut.
If you’d like to work with me or just want to chat, please feel free to email me at
I was able to play on stage at the official Riot Games LCS arena in Los Angeles for the championship quarterfinals. If you’re interested in seeing our soul-crushing defeat, watch the full series here.
I played competitive League of Legends for Simon Fraser University’s collegiate team under the alias, ‘Demnis’, reaching challenger tier (Top 300 players in North America) and winning 1st place in the West Coast League of Legends Collegiate Championship in 2017.
I’m incredibly thankful for my competitive gaming journey. I forged life-long friendships with my teammates, funded my tuition costs with the tournament winnings, and learned a ton about competitive game design.